Donald T. Fox

In Memorium

It is with tremendous sadness that the AAICJ honors the passing of Donald T. Fox, a tireless, lifelong advocate for human rights. Donald was uncompromising in his commitment to champion democracy and challenge authoritarianism. Throughout his career and up until the end of his life, he took on great personal risk to champion the causes he believed were most imperative. Donald was a fearless leader with a storied career. His dedication to propel, promote and deepen human rights and the rule of law will continue to reverberate into the future. Donald embodied the change he wanted to see in the world: he continued his pro bono work into the very final years of his life with an integrity that inspired and motivated all those lucky enough to meet him.

The AAICJ is ever grateful for Donald’s years of service. Donald prioritized charitable and pro bono projects throughout his career, while continuing to grow the law firm he founded: Fox Horan & Camerini LLP. We will miss him deeply.

Please find a more detailed memorial note here.